C.K. - Fish - Wędzarnia Ryb - Józefów

C.K.-Fish is a family business that has existed on the Polish market since 1999. The company deals with fish processing and is constantly widening its product range

What does C.K.-Fish mean? It's simple: Cymerman- Karkkainen - Fish.

According to the certificate of the Chief Veterinarian Nr/Wig-463/12/99 dated 03/02/1999 the company was given the identification number 14171801 using HACCP and since then our establishment in Jozefow has been under permanent veterinary control, which guarantees the highest quality of our products.

Our main activity is fish smoking based on traditional methods without the use of preservatives.

Wędzarnia Ryb
Zakład Produkcyjny
Józefów koło Otwocka
ul. Klimatyczna 1 C
Tel. / fax. (22) 789 56 01
E - mail: ckfish@wp.pl
Wędzarnia, Ryby, ¶wieże, Mrożone, wędzone, przetwórnia, ryb, Łoso¶, Pstr±g, Jesiotr, tuńczyk,